Terms and Conditions

Probation Period

You shall be on probation for a period of 60 days from the date of joining. The Company may, at its sole discretion, extend the period of probation for further duration. During probation, you will be required to give 15 days’ notice in case you decide to leave the services of the company.

Working Hours

You shall be required to work 5 days a week from 10:00 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs. The working hours are subject to change, depending on the requirements of the company. You are required to strictly adhere to the office timing which will be informed to you by the HR Team at the time of your joining.

Roles & Responsibilities

You shall report to the legally authorized person nominated by the Company from time to time and who will in turn assign your role, duties and responsibilities in the Company. You will be required to carry out your duties and responsibilities effectively and achieve the desired results which may include working late hours.


Performance reviews and increments are discretionary, which will be subject to and on the basis of your effective performance and results in the Company. Salary reviews would be done once a year but not bounding on the Company. Your increments and promotions (designation/salary) will depend on the Management depending upon the efficiency, attendance, sense of discipline, loyalty, and behaviour and also subject to the growth and performance of the organization.

Leave and Holidays

You will be entitled to leaves, holidays and other benefits as per the rules and policies of the company. The Management reserves the right to modify, alter or delete the existing service rules or to introduce fresh service rules which will be binding upon you. The amended policies will be communicated to you verbally and through email.

Any Earned Leave (EL)/ Casual Leave (CL) can be carried forward for a period of 8 months only.

No earned leave due will be sanctioned during your notice period.

Before proceeding on leave, you will have to apply at least 5 days in advance to the appropriate authority and seek the prior sanction of leave. Mere submission of the application will not mean that the leave has been sanctioned. The leave has to be approved by the HR Team and your immediate supervisor.

The sick/emergency leave will be given as provided against a genuine medical certificate supporting the application of leave.

In the period of probation, new joiners will be eligible for one Emergency Leave (EL) and a Casual Leave.

Code of Conduct

During your employment with the Company, you will devote your entire and undivided business time, attention, effort, skill, care and energy to the business of the Company. You shall perform your duties honestly, faithfully, intelligently, energetically and efficiently to the best of your ability, and in the best interest of the Company.


You are expected to maintain utmost confidentiality with regard to the affairs of The Company and shall keep confidential any information, whether written or oral, which relates to internal controls, computer or data processing programs, algorithms, electronic data processing applications, routines, subroutines, techniques or systems, or information concerning the business or financial affairs and methods of operation or proposed methods of operation, accounts, transactions, proposed transactions, security procedures, trade secrets, know-how, or inventions of Zielotech Infosolutions India LLP or its Affiliate, or any client, agent, contractor or vendor. You shall not disclose the identities and other related information of any of its clients.

Breach of this provision shall be treated as a gross violation of the terms herein and your services are liable to be terminated.

Employees Data

By accepting this Offer and providing your personal data to the Company, you are accepting your irreversible consent to Company to possess, deal with or handle your sensitive personal data either by itself or through any third-party agency during the term of your employment with the Company subject however to the terms of the Privacy Policy of the Company.

You are aware that your personal data is confidential in nature and the Company shall process the same in the course of its business, in terms of its privacy policy with due and reasonable care.

Conflict of Interest

Your position with The Company states for whole time employment and you will commit yourself solely to the business of The Company. You will not take up any other work for remuneration (parttime or anything else) or work in a consultative capacity or be interested directly or indirectly (except as shareholder or debenture holder) in any other trade or business, during your employment with The Company, without written permission from The Company. Violation of this will lead to termination of your services from The Company without any notice, with or without any liability on the part of The Company for payment of any reimbursement in lieu of such notice as per the procedure mentioned in Section 3.


Your employment is subject to 30 days’ notice from you or 1 month’s salary in lieu of notice. It will be at the sole discretion of the Management to either ask you to serve the entire / part of the notice period or pay the company 1 month’s salary in lieu of notice or dissolve the notice without any recompense. If you are resigning from your job without any notice then you are liable to pay 1 month’s salary to the company, hence no final settlement will be done by management.

In case, the company wants you to leave the job then there would be a directive either to serve two months of notice or to serve a part of it depending upon the situation. However, your termination should be due to unauthorized absence from duty, nonperformance, misconduct, fraud, negligence, theft and willful violation of any of the company rules, misappropriation, imprisonment or censure by a court of law or as it may deem fit in the instant case, the company will not pay any notice pay.

If you resign before the completion of one year, then the company will not provide any relieving letter, experience letter or any documentation related while being relieved from the company.

While leaving the company your full and final settlement (if eligible to get paid) of payments and documentation will be done after 30 days from the date of relieving.


While in the probation period, the Company has the eligibility to terminate/separate you without giving any notice or warning. The Company reserves the right to terminate your service due to nonperformance or any reason to the satisfaction of the management. In the event of disciplinary proceedings, the company reserves the right to terminate you with immediate effect without any account settlement and documentation.

However, your termination should be due to unauthorized absence from duty, non-performance, misconduct, fraud, breach, negligence, theft and willful violation of any of the company rules, misappropriation, imprisonment or censure by a court of law or as it may deem fit in the instant case, the company will not pay any notice pay.

Negligence at work, breaching, working parallel with the same nature of business and any other unlawful activities against the policies and procedure of the company. The company reserves right to take actions and decisions which can be related to non-payment of the salary.

In the event of any misconduct or breach of terms of employment on the part of the employee during probation or on/after confirmation the company reserves the right to terminate this contract immediately without any notice. On termination of this contract, you will immediately give up to the company before you are relieved, all correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, documents, cost data, market data, literature, drawings, effects or records, etc. belonging to the Company or relating to its business and shall not make or retain any copies of these items.

The above terms and conditions are subject to changes from time to time and the same would be communicated to you in writing. During your work tenure, the company holds all rights to give you termination, if your performance doesn’t prove to be productive.

Personal Indebtedness

The Company shall not be responsible for personal indebtedness or other liabilities incurred by you, during/ prior to your employment with the Company You understand and accept that you shall have no authority to pledge the credit of the Company to any person or entity without the Company’s prior written endorsement.


  • Access to Information
  • Information is available on a need to know basis for specified groups. The network file server is segregated to allow individual sectors for projects and units. Access to these are authorized through access privileges approved by unit Mentors or Project Mentors.

    Only those authorized by a specific power of attorney may sign legal documents, representing The Company.

  • Passwords
  • Access to our network, development environment and MS-Exchange is through individual’s password. For security reasons it is essential to maintain confidentiality of the same.

  • Unauthorized Software
  • You shall not download, install, copy and duplicate any unauthorized or unsanctioned software, games, programs, attachments on to your computer systems.

  • Security
  • Security is an important prospect of our communication and office infrastructure. We have security personnel arranged on all the floors who take care of the security. Those of you who wish to work late or early hours are requested to produce their identity cards to the Security personnel on request. If there is a need to take some of the equipment’s/infrastructure out of the office property for any reason the associate shall obtain the gate pass from the security staff after the authorization from your mentor.

    The communication security is maintained by controlling physical access to computer systems, disabling all workstation floppy disk drives, and a Company-wide awareness about the need for protection of intellectual property and sensitive customer information. For some projects, The Company uses sophisticated data encryption devices. Your work table and storage space is lockable. Please ensure they are locked when unattended. Duplicate keys are maintained with Security. One can take a duplicate key after signing for it for one’s own or team member’s table or storage.

  • Destroying Papers & Materials
  • Any official communication or documentation, which is confidential in nature, shall be destroyed through paper shredder after the purpose is served.

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